Digital Egyptology news can now be followed at my website Recently I’ve been getting a lot of inspiration for new digital projects by attending some very insightful workshops. In March, the Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities showed us how to use Visone to study power relations between 15th century Florentine families. I am very interested…
Author: Nicky B

Museums and inclusivity
I’m looking for a new job. Actually I’ve never considered what kind of job that ought to be, as I always assumed I’d do a PhD first and worry about jobs later. But lately I’ve been talking to a lot of people about the work they’re doing and what they enjoy about it, to get…

Musings about Luxor
While night falls over 2018 and fireworks are popping, I fondly think back of my latest sojourn in Luxor. It feels a bit double, because of the recent terrorist attack that killed four people in Giza. Even before this incident, my non-Egyptologist colleagues were a bit wary about my enthusiasm of spending pre-Christmas holidays in…

Book review: The Ancient Egyptian Economy
Brian Muhs, The Ancient Egyptian Economy: 3000–30 BCE Cambridge University Press, 2016 ISBN: 9781316286364 During my Egyptology studies in Leiden I repeatedly followed the course in Demotic Papyrology by Brian Muhs. Repeatedly, because it took a while before the penny dropped, if ever it did. In class we read fantastical stories about Setne Khamwas, the…

Digital Egyptology news
Digital Egyptology news can now be followed at my website Exciting things are happening in the field of Digital Egyptology! A selection of projects: Tomb of Nefertari Experius VR have 3D scanned the tomb of Nefertari, allowing you to virtually walk around in it using a Vive headset. The VR experience can be downloaded…

Enjoying Luxor
Now the sun is finally shining in the Netherlands it’s time to tell you about our trip to Luxor in February. Again we stayed at the Nile Valley Hotel overlooking the Nile, which is both close to the ferry and to the monuments on the West Bank. We inhabited the brand new ‘penthouse’, with its…

Drawing in Inkscape
As an alternative for drawing in Illustrator, there is free, open source software available that allows you to do something similar: Inkscape. After starting up Inkscape, don’t open but import (File > Import) the photo you’re going to use. In the horizontal toolbar, click View Layers (Shift + Ctrl + L). The layer menu appears on…

Pencil drawing in Photoshop
After reading the tutorial on Vector drawing in Illustrator, you may be wondering: but where’s the fun in that! So in this tutorial, I will show you how to do pencil drawings in Photoshop, using a Wacom tablet. Although Wacom tablets can be super duper expensive, the nifty thing is it comes with a stylus…