This page contains a bibliography of Old Kingdom tombs per site, with links to online content.
See also: General/topics
For publications abut Giza, check out the Digital Giza Library
Excavations at Giza series
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 1 (1932).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 2 (1936).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 3 (1941).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 4 (1943).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 5 (1944).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 6, part 1 (1946).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 6, part 2: Text (1948).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 6, part 2: Plates (1948).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 6, part 3 (1950).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 7 (1953).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 8 (1953).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 9 (1960).
- Hassan, S., Excavations at Giza 10 (1960).
Giza Series
- Junker, H., Giza I: Die Mastabas der IV. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof (1941).
- Junker, H., Giza II: Die Mastabas der beginnenden V. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof (1934).
- Junker, H., Giza III: Die Mastabas der vorgeschrittenen V. Dynastie auf dem Westfriedhof (1938).
- Junker, H., Giza IV: Die Mastaba des K3jm’nh (Kai-em-anch) (1940).
- Junker, H., Giza V: Die Mastaba des Snb (Seneb) und die umliegenden Gräber (1941).
- Junker, H., Giza VI: Die Mastaba des Nfr (Nefer), Kdf.jj (Kedfi), K3hjf (Kahjef) und die westlich anschliessenden Grabanlagen (1940).
- Junker, H., Giza VII: Der Ostabschnitt des Westfriedhofs. Erster Teil (1944).
- Junker, H., Giza VIII: Der Ostabschnitt des Westfriedhofs. Zweiter Teil (1947).
- Junker, H., Giza IX: Das Mittelfeld des Westfriedhofs (1950).
- Junker, H., Giza X: Der Friedhof südlich der Cheopspyramide (1951).
- Junker, H., Giza XI: Der Friedhof südlich der Cheopspyramide. Ostteil (1953).
- Junker, H., Giza XII: Schlußband mit Zusammenfassungen und Gesamt-Verzeichnissen von Band I–XII (1955).
Giza Mastabas series
- Dunham, D. and W.K. Simpson, The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III (G 7530-7540), Giza Mastabas 1 (1974).
- Simpson, W.K., The Mastabas of Qar and Idu, Giza Mastabas 2 (1976).
- Simpson, W.K., The Mastabas of Kawab, Khafkhufu I and II, Giza Mastabas 3 (1978).
- Simpson, W.K., Mastabas of the Western Cemetery, Part 1, Giza Mastabas 4 (1980).
- Weeks, K.R., Mastabas of Cemetery G 6000, Giza Mastabas 5 (1994).
- Roth, A.M., A Cemetery of Palace Attendants, Giza Mastabas 6 (1995).
- Brovarski, E., The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1, Giza Mastabas 7 (2000).
- Der Manuelian, P., Mastabas of Nucleus Cemetery G 2100, Giza Mastabas 8 (2009).
Tombs at Giza series
- Kanawati, N., Tombs at Giza I: Kaiemankh (G 4561) and Seshemnefer (G 4940) (2001).
- Kanawati, N., Tombs at Giza II: Seshathetep/Heti (G 5150), Nesutnefer (G 4970) and Seshemnefer II (G 5080) (2002).
Giza Eastern Necropolis series
- Kormysheva, E., S. Malykh and S. Vetokhov, The Tomb of Khafraankh, Giza Eastern Necropolis I (2010).
- Kormysheva, E., S. Malykh and S. Vetokhov, The minor cemetery to the east from the tomb G 7948, Giza Eastern Necropolis II (2012).
- Kormysheva, E., S. Malykh, S. Vetokhov and M. Lebedev, Tombs of Tjenty II, Khufuhotep, and Anonymous Tombs GE 17, GE 18, GE 47, GE 48, and GE 49, Giza Eastern Necropolis III (2015).
- Kormysheva, E., S. Malykh, M. Lebedev and S. Vetokhov, Tombs of Perseneb, Ipy, and Anonymous Tombs GE 23, GE 40, GE 56, GE 57, and GE 58, Giza Eastern Necropolis IV (2018).
Other tombs at Giza
- Badawy, A.M., The Tombs of Iteti, Sekhem’ankh-Ptah, and Kaemnofert at Giza (1976).
- Baud, M., La tombe de la reine-mère xa-mrr-nbtj Ire, BIFAO 95 (1995), 11-21.
- Baud, M., The tombs of Khamerernebty I and II at Giza, GM 164 (1998), 7-14.
- Brovarski, E., An Inventory List from “Covington’s Tomb” and Nomenclature for Furniture in the Old Kingdom, in: Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson (1996), 117–155.
- Brunner-Traut, E., Die altägyptische Grabkammer Seschemnofers III. aus Gisa (1977).
- Callender, V.G. and P. Jánosi, The Tomb of Queen Khamerernebty II at Giza: A reassessment, MDAIK 53 (1997), 1-22.
- Der Manuelian, P., Penmeru Revisited–Giza Mastaba G 2197 (Giza Archives Gleanings V), JARCE 45 (2009), 3-48.
- Der Manuelian, P., A Dig Divided: The Giza Mastaba of Heti, G 5480 (Giza Archives Gleanings IV), in: Perspectives on Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Edward Brovarski (2010), 235-251.
- Flentye, L., The Mastabas of Duaenra (G 5110) and Khemetnu (G 5210) in the Western Cemetery at Giza: Family Relationships and Tomb Decoration in the Late Fourth Dynasty, in: Perspectives on Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Edward Brovarski (2010), 101-130.
- Gamer-Wallert, I., Die bewegte Geschichte der Mastaba Seschemnofers III. (G 5170), Sokar 9 (2004), 28-34.
- Harpur, Two Old Kingdom tombs at Giza, JEA 67 (1981), 24-35.
- Jánosi, P., Giza in der 4. Dynastie. Die Baugeschichte und Belegung einer Nekropole des Alten Reiches. Band I: Die Mastabas der Kernfriedhöfe und die Felsgräber (2005).
- Kayser, H., Die Mastaba des Uhemka (1964).
- Priese K.-H., Die Opferkammer des Merib (Berlin 1984).
- Roeder, G., Die Mastaba des Uhemka im Pelizaeus-Museum zu Hildesheim (1927). Preview
- Weeks, K.R., A Study of Four Giza Mastabas, NARCE 86 (1973), 20-29.
- Bárta, M., The mastaba of Ptahsepses Junior II at Abusir, Egypt and the Levant 10 (2000), 45-66.
- Bárta, M., The Cemeteries at Abusir South I, Abusir V (2001).
- Bárta, M., Memories of 4500 years ago (2002).
- Bárta, M., The transitional type of tomb in Saqqara North and Abusir South, in: Texte und Denkmäler des ägyptischen Alten Reiches (2005), 1–22.
- Bárta, M., The Sixth Dynasty tombs in Abusir: Tomb complex of the vizier Qar and his family, in: The Old Kingdom art and archaeology (2006), 45-62.
- Bárta, M., Abusir South 2: Tomb Complex of the Vizier Qar, his sons Qar junior and Senedjemib, and Iykai, Abusir XIII (2009).
- Bárta, M., Tomb of Hetepi (AS 20), Tombs AS 33-35 and AS 50-53, Abusir XIX (2010).
- Bárta, M., An Abusir mastaba from the reign of Huni, in: Times, Signs and Pyramids: Studies in Honour of Miroslav Verner (2011), 41-50.
- Bárta, M., A new Old Kingdom rock-cut tomb from Abusir and its Abusir-Saqqara context, in: Old Kingdom, New Perspectives (2011), 9-21.
- Bárta, M., A new family cemetery at Abu Sir South, Egyptian Archaeology 43 (2013), 21-24.
- Bárta, M. et al., The tomb of the sun priest Neferinpu (AS 37), Abusir XXIII (2014). Preview
- Bárta, M., Tomb of the chief physician Shepseskafankh, Prague Egyptological Studies 15 (2015), 15-27.
- Bárta, M., A reassembled false-door from the time of Nyuserra, BES 19 (2015), 131-138.
- Bárta, M., Les tombes non-royales d’Abousir, Égypte Afrique & Orient 77 (2015), 15-28.
- Bárta, M., Kytnarová, K.A., Odler, M. and Sůvová, Z., ‘Killed’ for eternity. Artefacts and ritual behaviour from a unique ceremonial structure in Abusir South, in: Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2015 (2017), 1-22.
- Bárta, M., et al., Tomb of Kairsu discovered in Abusir (AC 33), Prague Egyptological Studies XXV (2020), 35-58.
- Dulíková, V. et al., The tombs of Kaisebi (AS 76) and Ptahwer (AS 76b) at Abusir South, Prague Egyptological Studies XIX (2017), 3-26.
- Dulíková, V., M. Bárta, M. Odler, M. Peterková Hlouchová, Z. Sůvová, Tomb at Abusir South from a time of change belonging to Ankhires, inspector of hairdressers of the Great House (AS 98), Prague Egyptological Studies XXI (2018), 3-33.
- Krejčí, J., The architecture of the Mastaba of Ptahshepses, Abusir XI (2010).
- Krejčí, J., The Abusir Pyramid Field and the Mastaba of Ptahshepses – Several Remarks, in: Times, Signs and Pyramids: Studies in Honour of Miroslav Verner (2011), 253-276.
- Krejčí, J., et al., Mastaba of Werkaure I, Abusir XXIV (2014).
- Krejčí, J., Nakhtsare’s cemetery in central Abusir – the burial ground for the royals?, in: Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2015 (2017), 173–183.
- Odler, M., A new tomb of transitional type from Abusir South: mastaba of Nyankhseshat (AS 104), Prague Egyptological Studies XXIII (2019), 49-82.
- Vachala, B., Die Relieffragmente aus der Mastaba des Ptahschepses in Abusir, Abusir VIII (2004).
- Verner, M., The mastaba of Ptahshepses: Reliefs, Abusir I (1982).
- Verner, M., Baugraffiti der Ptahschepses Mastaba, Abusir II (1992)
- Verner, M. and Callender, V.G., Djedkare’s Family Cemetery, Abusir VI (2002).
- Vymazalová, H. and Havelková, P., Shepespuptah Idu according to evidence from his rock-cut tomb at Abusir South, Annals of the Náprstek Museum 37/2 (2016), 89–108.
- Vymazalová, H. and Kytnarová, K.A., The development of tomb AS 68c in Abusir South: Burial place of the king’s daughter Sheretnebty and her family, in: Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2015 (2017), 435-450.
Saqqara Tombs series
- Davies, W.V., Saqqara Tombs I: The mastabas of Mereri and Wernu (1984).
- Lloyd, A.B., Saqqara Tombs II: The mastabas of Meru, Semdenti, Khui and others (1990).
- Lloyd, A.B., Saqqara Tombs III: The mastaba of Neferseshemptah (2008).
Teti Cemetery series
- Kanawati, N. and Hassan, A., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 1: The tombs of Nedjet-em-pet, Ka-aper and others (1996).
- Kanawati, N. and Hassan, A., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 2: The tomb of Ankhmahor (1997).
- Kanawati, N. et al., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 3: The tombs of Neferseshemre and Seankhuiptah (1998).
- Sowada, K., Callaghan, T. and Bentley, P., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 4: Minor burials and other material (1999).
- Kanawati, N. and Abd El-Raziq, M., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 5: The tomb of Hesi (1999).
- Kanawati, N. and Abd El-Raziq, M., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 6: The tomb of Nikauisesi (2000).
- Kanawati, N. and Abd El-Raziq, M., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 7: The tomb of Shepsipuptah, Merere (Merinebti), Hefi and others (2001).
- Kanawati, N., McFarlane, A. and Sowada, K., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 8: The tomb of Inumin (2006).
- Kanawati, N. et al., The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 9: The tomb of Remni (2009).
North-West of Teti’s Pyramid series
- Kanawati, N. et al., Excavations at Saqqara North-West of Teti’s Pyramid I (1984).
- El-Khouli, A. and Kanawati, N., Excavations at Saqqara North-West of Teti’s Pyramid II (1988).
Mereruka and his family series
- Kanawati, N. and Abder-Raziq, M., Mereruka and his family I: The tomb of Meryteti (2004).
- Kanawati, N. and Abder-Raziq, M., Mereruka and his family II: The tomb of Waatetkhethor (2008).
- Kanawati, N. et al., Mereruka and his family III.1: The tomb of Mereruka (2010).
- Kanawati, N. et al., Mereruka and his family III.2: The tomb of Mereruka (2011).
Unis Cemetery series
- McFarlane, A., The Unis Cemetery at Saqqara 1: The Tomb of Irukapta (2000).
- Abder-Raziq, M. and Kanawati, N., The Unis Cemetery at Saqqara 2: Tombs of Iynefert and Ihy (reused by Idut) (2003).
- Harpur, Y. and P. Scremin, The Chapel of Kagemni: Scene Details (2006).
- Harpur, Y. and P. Scremin, The Chapel of Ptahhotep: Scene Details (2008).
- Harpur, Y. and P. Scremin, The Chapel of Niankhkhnum & Khnumhotep: Scene Details (2010).
- Harpur, Y. and P. Scremin, The Chapel of Nefer & Kahay: Scene Details (2015).
- Harpur, Y. and P. Scremin, The Chapel of Irukaptah: Scene Details (2017).
- Harpur, Y. and P. Scremin, The Chapel of Neferherenprah: Scene Details (2017).
Saqqara series (University of Warsaw)
- Mysliwiec, K., The tomb of Merefnebef, Saqqara I (2004).
- Rzeuska, T., Pottery of the Late Kingdom: Funerary Pottery and Burial Customs, Saqqara II (2006).
- Mysliwiec, K., The Upper Necropolis, Saqqara III (2008).
- Mysliwiec, K., The Funerary Complex of Nyankhnefertem, Saqqara IV (2010).
- Kuraszkiewicz, K.O. et. al, Old Kingdom Structures Between the Step Pyramid Complex and the Dry Moat, Saqqara V (2013).
Other tombs at Saqqara
- Altenmüller, H., Arbeiten am Grab des Neferherenptah in Saqqara (1970-1975), MDAIK 38 (1982), 1-16.
- Altenmüller, H., Die Wanddarstellungen im Grab des Mehu in Saqqara (1998).
- Beaux, N., The decoration in the portico of Ti’s mastaba at Saqqara: an innovative introduction to the tomb, Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2010 (2011), 223-232.
- Capart, J., Une rue de tombeaux à Saqqarah (1907).
- Cooke A., The Architecture of Mastaba Tombs in the Unas Cemetery (2020). Read online
- Daoud, K., Notes on the Tomb of Niankhnesut, Part I: Reliefs and Inscriptions, SAK 36 (2007), 23-30.
- Davies, N. de G., The mastaba of Ptahhetep and Akhethetep at Saqqareh (1900-1901), 2 vols.
- Duell, P., The mastaba of Mereruka (1938), 2 vols. Part I | Part II
- Épron, L., Daumas, F. and Goyon, G., Le tombeau de Ti (1939-1966), 3 vols. | Vol 1 | Vol 2| Vol 3
- Evans, L., Further evidence that Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep were twins, JEA 102 (2016), 55-72.
- Gaber, N., The Tomb of Ia-Maat in Saqqara (2013).
- James, T.G.H. and Apted, M.R., The mastaba of Khentika called Ikhekhi (1953).
- Kuraszkiewicz, K.O., False-door setele of Meref-Nebef, in: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean X: Reports 1998 (1999), 101-105.
- Kuraszkiewicz, K.O., More remarks on late Old Kingdom mastabas west of the Step Pyramid, in: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XVIII: Reports 2006 (2008), 165-173.
- Lashien, M., The chapel of Kahai and his family (2013).
- Leahy, A. and I. Mathieson, The tomb of Nyankhnesut (re)discovered, JEA 87 (2001), 33-42.
- Lythgoe, A.M. and Ransom, C.L., The tomb of Perneb (1916).
- Macramallah, R., Le Mastaba d’Idout (1935).
- Martin, G.T., The Tomb of Hetepka and other Reliefs and Inscriptions from the Sacred Animal Necropolis, North Saqqara 1964-1973 (1979).
- McFarlane, A., Mastabas at Saqqara: Kaiemheset, Kaipunesut, Kaiemsenu, Sehetepu and others (2003).
- Mogensen, M., Le mastaba Egyptien de la Glyptothèque ny Carlsberg (1921).
- Mohr, H.Th., The mastaba of Hetep-her-akhti: study on an Egyptian tomb chapel in the Museum of Antiquities Leiden (1943).
- Mourad, A., The Tomb of Ptahhotep I (2015).
- Moussa, A.M. and H. Altenmüller, The tomb of Nefer and Ka-hay (1971).
- Moussa, A.M. and H. Altenmüller, Das Grab des Nianchchnum und Chnumhotep (1977).
- Moussa, A.M. and F. Junge, Two tombs of craftsmen: Old Kingdom tombs at the causeway of King Unas at Saqqara, excavated by the Department of Antiquities (1975).
- Murray, M.A., Saqqara Mastabas (1989). Part I
- Onderka, P., The Tomb of Unisankh at Saqqara and Chicago (2009).
- Petrie, H.F. and M.A. Murray, Seven Memphite tomb chapels (1952).
- Williams, C.R., The decoration of the tomb of Per-Neb (1932).
- Quibell, J.E., Excavations at Saqqara (1911-12): The tomb of Hesy (1913).
- Soleiman, S., Ptahshepses standing or walking sheltered by the sunshades in his recently discovered tomb at Saqqara, Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences 3 (2018), 445-447.
- Steindorff, G., Das Grab des Ti (1913).
- Van de Walle, B., La chapelle funéraire de Neferirtenef (1978).
- Vischak, D., Common ground between Pyramid Texts and Old Kingdom tomb design: the case of Ankhmahor, JARCE 40 (2003), 133-157.
- Von Bissing, F.W., Die Mastaba des Gem-ni-kai (1905-1911). Band 1 | Band 2
- Ziegler, C., Le mastaba d’Akhethetep: Une chapelle funéraire de l’Ancien Empire (1993).
- Ziegler, C., Le mastaba d’Akhethetep (2007). Preview
- Ziegler, C., Le mastaba E17 et la nécropole de l’Ancien Empire (2022).
- Alexanian, N. Dahschur II: Das Grab des Prinzen Netjer-aperef: Die Mastabe II/1 in Dahschur (1999).
- Alexanian, N., Die Mastabagräber des Alten Reiches in Dahschur, in: Begegnung mit der Vergangenheit: 100 Jahre in Ägypten: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo 1907–2007 (2007), 162-169.
- Amery, K.R., The Old Kingdom tomb of Pehenuka and the attribution of fragments from the offering scene, in: Current Research in Egyptology 2011 (2012), 15-24.
- Morgan, J. de., Fouilles a Dahchour: 1894-1895 (1903).
- Budka, J., Privatgräber zur Zeit Snofrus: Die Nekropole von Medum, Kemet 8 (1999), 23-26.
- Harpur, Y., The tombs of Nefermaat and Rahotep at Maidum: discovery, destruction and reconstruction (2001).
- Petrie, W.M.F., Medum (1892).
Provincial tombs (north-south)
- Kanawati, N., Deshasha: The tombs of Inti, Shedu and others (1993).
- Petrie, W.M.F., Deshasheh: 1897 (1898).
- Thompson, E., The Old Kingdom cemetery at Tehna (2014).
Beni Hassan
- Lashien, M., A.-L. Mourad and A. Senussi, Beni Hassan II: Two Old Kingdom Tombs (2016).
Sheikh Said
- Davies, N. de G., The rock tombs of Sheikh Saïd (1901).
Quseir el-Amarna
- El-Khouli, A. and Kanawati, N., Quseir el-Amarna: The tombs of Pepy-ankh and Khewen-wekh (1989).
- Blackman, A.M., The rock tombs of Meir (1914-1953), 6 vols. Part II | Part III
- Kanawati, N., The Cemetery of Meir I: The Tomb of Pepyankh the Middle (2012).
- Kanawati, N. and Evans, L., The Cemetery of Meir II: The Tomb of Pepyankh the Black (2014).
- Kanawati, N., The Cemetery of Meir III: The tomb of Niankhpepy the Black (2015).
Deir el-Gebrawi
- Davies, N. de G., The rock tombs of Deir el-Gebrawi (1902), 2 vols. Part I | Part II
- Kanawati, N., Deir el-Gebrawi I: The northern cliff (2005).
- Kanawati, N., Deir el-Gebrawi II: The southern cliff: The tomb of Ibi and others (2007).
- Kanawati, N., Deir el-Gebrawi III: The southern cliff: The tomb of Djau/Shemai and Djau (2013).
- El-Khouli, A. and Kanawati, N., The Old Kingdom tombs of El-Hammamiya (1990).
- Kanawati, N. et al., The Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish: The Cemetery of Akhmin I–X (1980-1992).
- Kanawati, N., Akhmim in the Old Kingdom 1: Chronology and Administration (1992).
- Hope, C.A. and McFarlane, A., Akhmim in the Old Kingdom 2: The Pottery, Decoration Techniques and Colour Conventions (2006).
- Kanawati, N., The tombs of el-Hagarsa I (1993).
- Kanawati, N., The tombs of el-Hagarsa II (1993).
- Kanawati, N., The tombs of el-Hagarsa III (1995).
- Fábián, A., News from Old Kingdom Thebes, in: From Illahun to Djeme: Papers Presented in Honour of Ulrich Luft (2011), 43-53.
- Saleh, M., Three Old-Kingdom tombs at Thebes: I, the tomb of Unas-Ankh no 413; II, the tomb of Khenty no. 405; III, the tomb of Ihy no. 186 (1977).
- Soliman, R., Old and Middle Kingdom Theban Tombs (2009).
Qubbet el-Hawa
- Chioffi, M. and Rigamonti, G., Qubbet el-Hawa: La tomba rupestre di Ishemai (2013).
- Chioffi, M. and Rigamonti, G., Qubbet el-Hawa, the Rock Tomb of Ishemai, JARCE 50 (2014), 41-58.
- Edel, E., Die Felsgräbernekropole der Qubbet el Hawa bei Assuan (1967-1971), 2 vols.
- Vischak, D., Identity In/of Elephantine The Old Kingdom Tombs at Qubbet El Hawa, in: The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt. Essays in Honor of David B. O’Connor II (2007), 443-457.
- Vischak, D., Community and Identity in Ancient Egypt: The Old Kingdom Cemetery at Qubbet el-Hawa (2015). Preview
Other provincial tombs
- Castel, G., Le mastaba de Khentika: Tombeau d’un gouverneur de l’oasis à la fin de l’Ancien Empire (2001).
- Lashien, M., The Nobles of El-Qusiya in the Sixth Dynasty (2017).
- Säve-Söderbergh, T., The Old Kingdom cemetery at Hamra Dom (El-Qasr wa es-Saiyad) (1994).
- Varille, A., La tombe de Ni-Ankh-Pepi à Zâouyet el-Mayetîn (1938).